more than horn
I Recommend...
Melanie Ditter (Rogue Repair) - Horn repair and maintenance (St. Paul, MN)
Rogue Repair's YouTube Channel
Comfy Horn Strap - Valerie Wells
Straight Mute - Humes & Berg or TrumCor
Stopped Mute - Humes & Berg or Tom Crown
Practice Mute - TrumCor Stealth
Oil - Hetman Rotor Oil & Bearing/Linkage Oil
Grease - Superslick or Hetman Slide Gel
Minnesota Orchestra - FREE student tickets!
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra - FREE student tickets!
Playing Opportunities
Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies
Youth symphony organization for all playing levels (auditioned)
Lessons, classes, and many other opportunities
Youth band organization for middle and high school players (auditioned)
Youth symphony organization for all playing levels (auditioned)
Honor Band Opportunities
Minnesota All-State Ensembles
Minnesota Band Director's Association
Bemidji State University Honor Band
One day festival usually held in the fall. Director-nominated.
Honor Band held annually. Information will be posted on their website each fall.
Gustavus Adolphus College Honor Band
Two day festival usually held in the fall. Director-nominated.
Luther College Dorian Festival For Band
Two day festival held in late February. Director-nominated.
One day festival that takes place the second Saturday in November, directed by Dr. Timothy Mahr. Director-nominated.
St. Thomas University Honor Band
One day festival at the end of October. Information is usually released in early September. Director-nominated.
University of Minnesota – Duluth Honor Band
Two day festival in the fall featuring two Honor Bands conducted by the University's Directors. Director-nominated.
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Honor Band
Two day festival in January. Students must submit an online form, mp3 audition, and Director’s recommendation in early fall.
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire Honor Band
One day festival in November. Students fill out and submit an application in early October and are notified if selected.
Online Resources
James Boldin's Horn World - Thoughts on Teaching and Playing the Horn
Ricci Adams' Music Theory - Online interactive theory lessons and tools
Horn Matters - Information, articles, and advice about all things horn and brass
International Horn Society - Where horn players go for all things horn (including horn ads)
Jeffrey Agrell's Horn Insights - A regular blog from a master player and teacher
Daren Robbins' Horn Excerpts - Find any orchestral excerpt you're looking for...
Left Coast Horn Playing - A blog that includes exercises and practice tips from professionals
John Ericson's Getting Started on the Horn - Notes for players who are just starting...
Derek Wright's Hornist's Journey - Collection of thoughts on playing
Pope Instrument Repair - More than repairs - new, used, and accessories for sale, too
Music Dictionary - An interactive music dictionary from Virginia Tech Music Department
Horn History -'s comprehensive history of the instrument
The French Horn - Tons of horn information